Calling all B2B Business Professionals!

If you're ready to propel your bottom line and gain a competitive advantage in your industry, it's time to hone the skills that set you apart from the crowd.

Join the C2S Academy today!

The "not-so-secret" secret to success in business

Have you ever wondered why some business professionals skyrocket to success while others plateau? What makes some rise to the top of their field, even if they’re not more talented than others? What is the secret of their success?

Well, the answer is really not that big of a secret...

Warren Buffett said, "If you want to be worth 50% more than you are right now… hone your communication skills."

Dr. Noah St. John said, "The quality of your life depends on two things: the quality of your communication with yourself and the quality of your communication with the world around you."

That’s it.

The "not-so-secret" secret to success in business is: powerful communication skills.

Often though, these skills get dismissed as Soft Skills that are secondary to business.


Soft Skills are no longer a "nice to have" ...they are a "gotta have!" for your success

Being a great communicator is about more than speaking or eloquence... it's about mastering persuasion, building trust, exuding charisma, and so much more!

And, in today's competitive business landscape, effective communication isn't a luxury... it's a necessity.

Here's the big principle: Communication = Connection.

The stronger your communication skills, the stronger your connection will be with prospects, customers, clients, team members, the list goes on and on...

The reason some business people skyrocket and others plateau is because the skyrocket(ers) are consistently improving themselves and working on the Mindset and Skillsets of how they communicate to themselves and the world around them.

If you're ready to gain the edge over your competition and elevate your success, then join the Communicate2Succeed (C2S) Academy today!

...literally, the mission of the C2S Academy is in the name: helping you Communicate TO Succeed!

Join the C2S Academy today!

What is the C2S Academy?

The Academy offers you monthly trainings, weekly events, and daily motivational moments in our private online community, the C2S Academy is here to help you learn, hone, and implement the key mindset and skillsets that will set you apart as the go-to professional in your industry.

Here’s what you receive as a member of the C2S Academy:

➢ Monthly Live Online Training to learn the Principles of Communication in a workshop format designed SO THAT you’ll be able to immediately apply what you’re learning for best business practices.

➢ Monthly Mindset Training to help you connect your purpose, passion, and expertise to your growth-mindset SO THAT you can experience more personal freedom and professional success.

➢ Monthly Live Online Networking events SO THAT you can expand your professional network and practice what you're learning within the Academy.

➢ Monthly Live Expert Interviews and Q&A where we bring in industry leaders from other fields who will offer trainings on skills such as negotiation, networking, marketing messaging, video, and so much more! (Umm…do you even need a SO THAT benefit on this one? It’s gonna be off-the-hook!!)

➢ Daily Mindset Motivation Moments in our Online Community SO THAT you can get daily inspiration, motivation, and mindset tips because transformation in your thinking happens more quickly with regular "repetition, repetition, repetition."

➢ Access to the C2S Academy’s Private Online Community SO THAT you can interact with other members, share wins, encourage fellow professionals, ask questions, and get feedback within a safe and supportive community.

➢ Access to the C2S Academy training library*, which will include videos of previous trainings, downloadable resources, templates, etc. SO THAT you never have to miss a training, even if you can’t join us for the LIVE online sessions.
*Applies as long as you’re an active C2S Academy member

➢ PLUS... Early-bird pricing on any/all new C2S products and trainings.

➢ PLUS... Special offers from other C2S partners and experts who appear on the Monthly Live Online Q&A.

➢ PLUS... Special access to the soon-to-be-launched C2S Mobile App (coming in 2024).

The C2S Academy is jam-packed with so much valuable content for you!!

Join the C2S Academy today!

Meet Your C2S Trainers

Dallas Amsden

Speaker, Host, Presentation Trainer

Dallas has over 30 years experience in professional communication.

As a professionally trained performer with tens-of-thousands of hours on stage and camera, Dallas has spoken everywhere — Fortune 500 companies, schools, churches, stand-up comedy and everything in between. He firmly believes that your success in business and life is directly proportional to your ability to effectively communicate your purpose, your passion, and your vision.

Jeff Koziatek

Author, Speaker, and Your Peak Performance Coach

Jeff has thousands of hours as a performer and internationally known keynote speaker. He a certifed coach with the Values Conversation and leadership coach with the John Maxwell Team, and he is the author of the book, Blueprint for Value, He has helped 100s of business owners and business professionals do more of what they want, less of what they don’t, and love their results to get personal freedom and professional success.


We look forward to seeing you on the inside!

If you are ready to start getting more clients, experience more success,
have more confidence…

If you are ready to stand out from your competition...

If you are ready to be the go-to expert in your industry…

...Then what are you waiting for?

It’s time.

It’s time to learn, hone, and master the mindset and skillsets...

It’s time for you to Communicate2Succeed.

There has never a better time than now!

Join the C2S Academy today!

Membership Options for the C2S Academy