Episode #125: Robert Mason - Letters Against Depression

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On this episode, we have an uplifting conversation with Robert Mason. He is the Founder and CEO of Letters Against Depression, a 501c3 charity that sends hope and support to people battling depression all over the world through handwritten letters.

Robert also works at Walt Disney World as a Senior Financial Analyst. He has battled depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder from an early age; but he didn't understand what was going on until he was diagnosed in early 2014. That was the year in which Letters Against Depression was imagined and put into place, as he started his healing journey and wanted to find some way to help others. You can find out more about their amazing mission, or you can request a letter or to be a writer at LettersAgainst.org

For more information and resources, go to DallasAmsden.com, or for more episodes, please visit, DefeatingDepressionPodcast.com

Also, be sure to subscribe to every episode: click here.

The Defeating Depression Podcast is hosted by Dallas Amsden and produced by LineupMedia.fm


1) If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please click here to contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline website* or you can dial: 1-800-273-8255.

2) If you need someone to talk to, 7Cups connects you to caring listeners for free emotional support. 7Cups is the world’s largest mental health system with 340,000 volunteers offering free anonymous, on-demand support via chat messaging.

3) If you are a loved one is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder – PTSD – please click here to contact the National Center for PTSD*

*These are not paid endorsements. Dallas Amsden, the Defeating Depression Podcast, nor LineupMedia.fm are compensated in exchange for providing these resources to you.

The information provided in this podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding depression, anxiety disorder, or any other mental health or medical condition.

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